Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The curious story of the USA's Empujables

Nobody knows this story but in Opelousas, Luisiana, if you say the sentence "Baby, come to papa, I'm an Empujable" everybody will shake their ass and sing "...let me be your mama and do the locomotion!" Waahh yeaah!

In 1964, Jimmy Overbooking and Hanke Van Der Hiya composed this song that became a kind of anthem for the people of Opelousas. It was a strong rhythmic piece with amounts of references to sex, peace and unity between black and white people. But why they decided to call themselves Empujables? How they discovered that word and the power of it?

Two years before that they went to Mexico to buy some psychedelic drugs to compose in the famous "Cantina Rumba Conseptual". While they were waiting, the waitress came and say to them:
- Ay mamita que quieren pues estos empujabilísimos?
- Oh oh oh oh, we are american! -they said.
- Americano o puertorricano, ay que te metía yo la mano
- Ok, I don't mind. I like the last word of your first sentence.. entwohabilishmo?
- Empujabilisímo, no más. De Empujables

Overwhelmed by this fantastic experience they decided to compose a song to this word and the waitress, while they were driving back to Opelousas. They recorded the song when they had just arrived and it became a fucking hit in the whole village. After that, they weren't able to compose any other good song, even so they earn a living thanks to the royalties of their one-hit-wonder.

Jimmy Overbooking & Hanke Van Der Hiya playing some chords

47 years after, here they come, spanish' Empujables are in the house para siempre(*)!

(*) "Para siempre" is forever in spanish.
Pepper smells like pepper.